7 Easy Homemade Face Masks For A Glowing Complexion

Follow these 7 DIY face masks and see your skin glow!

We all want to look beautiful, and the first place we can start is by taking care of our skin. The simplest way to do that is to make a good face pack at home. The best face masks will not only help to treat your skin right but will also help to protect it. The great part is that you can make these face masks with kitchen ingredients at home. Here are 7 easy DIY face masks that really work (and don’t create any waste!)

1. Aloe vera and raw honey face mask

homemade face masks for glowing skin
wildandsweet.id/ Instagram

For this best face mask recipe, you’ll need six tsp (teaspoons) of clay, two tsp of aloe vera juice, 1 tsp of natural raw honey, and a few drops of pure spring water. After combining all the ingredients to produce a smooth paste, gently massage it onto your face and neck. After 20 minutes, rinse off with warm water.

This hydrating spring mask will moisturize your skin from the inside out. Then, add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the mixture for relaxing effects. Lavender has a distinct aroma that can help calm the nervous system and is especially beneficial for treating symptoms of restlessness, irritation, and insomnia.

2. Curd, honey, and lemon mask

homemade face masks
yoggu.foods/ Instagram

This easy face mask recipe requires curd, lemon, and honey. Mix half a cup of curd, two tbsp (tablespoons) of lemon juice, and two tbsp of honey (you can add turmeric too). Apply it to your face for roughly fifteen minutes. After that, you can scrub and rinse this mask off with regular water. Vitamin C and citric acid in the ingredients result in a fairer tone and lighter complexion.

In addition to being an anti-inflammatory, honey nourishes the skin. This DIY face mask for oily skin is well-known and well-liked for treating a variety of skin issues. In addition to brightening the skin, it also significantly lowers sebum production.

3. Turmeric, lemon, and honey face mask for hyperpigmentation

homemade face mask
ThamKC/ Envato Elements

If you don’t want to tackle your pigmentation with every acid and vitamin in the book, this DIY face mask has you covered with a face mask recipe that specifically targets it. First, prepare a paste by mixing 1 tbsp of fresh turmeric powder or turmeric (pressed or juiced), 1 tbsp of fresh lemon juice, and water. If you’re using juiced turmeric, you may also add 1 tbsp of honey or 1/2 a beaten avocado. Apply to designated areas (protect your hands by wearing gloves) and leave on for three minutes before rinsing. Repeat at least twice each week for five consecutive weeks for best results.

4. Orange and honey face mask

honey, orange homemade face masks
christophe_penloup_icd/ Instagram

For this easy face mask recipe, you need milk or water, honey, and orange peel + pulp. Take half a cup of orange pulp, two tbsp of orange peel paste, or two tbsp of orange peel powder. Combine with honey to produce a paste. Apply this for around 15 minutes after mixing with milk or water. After that, rinse off for supple skin. Simple and effective, this DIY face mask is best for hydrating dry skin.

5. Aloe vera, papaya, and cacao powder face mask

This DIY face mask needs the goodness of aloe vera, papaya, and cacao powder. Take 1 tbsp of cocoa powder, 1/4 papaya, and a squeeze of aloe vera gel into a bowl and mix them all. Stir and apply it evenly on your face and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then wipe off with a tissue.

The abundance of vitamins in aloe vera — Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12 — make this plant practically unrivaled for its moisturizing ability to soothe, and increase luminosity. In addition, it will elevate your face mask session (and skin) when combined with papaya, which is brimming with enzymes that break down dead skin cells.

Also, the additional cacao powder does absolute miracles. It brightens skin and increases circulation, giving your skin a plump feel and a pillowy appearance.

6. Banana DIY face mask

banana and honey
palmveda/ Instagram

The secret to this face mask recipe is to use equal parts banana and banana peel (where most of the nutrients are found). To create a yellow paste, gently slice the peel with a knife, mash the banana with a fork, and combine all the other ingredients. Next, apply a tiny coat and let it sit for 10 minutes on clean skin, then rinse it off, followed by moisturizing your face.

Since they are loaded with potassium, vitamins B6, C, and A, bananas turn out to be kinda brilliant as homemade face masks. They are excellent for hydrating, brightening, and even temporarily plumping fine wrinkles. It also becomes a rather potent formula when mixed with other key ingredients like anti-inflammatory honey, calming yogurt, and brightening turmeric.

7. Oatmeal and honey mask

oat meal and honey
mochaglowllc/ Instagram

For this easy face mask recipe, you’ll need 1 spoonful of oatmeal, 1 tsp raw honey, and 0.5 tsp of water. The star ingredient in this easy DIY face mask is oats, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics that help soothe dry skin and eliminate dead skin cells. And when it’s combined with antibacterial honey (and some water for consistency), it’s a truly skin-soothing treat. To achieve the full relaxing benefits, crush all the ingredients in a bowl, apply a thin layer onto clean skin, and leave it on for around 10 minutes.

This face mask recipe is for skin that is inflamed, sensitive, or prone to eczema. Not just that, it’s mild enough to use anywhere on your body, so go ahead and spread it on your dry arms and legs as well.

So, we’ve covered the ingredients of these best face masks and how to use them. Now all you need to do is look at the homemade face masks we’ve suggested above, choose the one you require the most (based on your skin’s needs), and then follow the recipe instructions!

We hope you enjoy making and then using these homemade face masks. Of course, as we say, it’s always best to check with your dermatologist before applying any facial product or mask. However, all these simple DIY face masks are great for glowing skin.

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